Looker for Doers
Why less time in data is better

You read that right: we’re a data tool that wants your team spending less time in data.
What gives?
Of course: we’re big believers in the power of data. We built a whole BI tool after all. But Daydream is a different sort of BI tool. One oriented around business impact.
Here’s what we do believe:
good decisions require decision makers to be informed with good information
good analytics can help your team rapidly learn, spot opportunities, & address issues
good KPI reporting can help a company accelerate
the only reason to invest in data is to drive business impact
The problem though: today’s BI tools aren’t good for any of that. They’re built for the data teams (who buy them) to turn data into charts and graphs. Not the operational workflows that actually drive business impact.
The whole thing is broken.
Since data tools aren’t built for operational teams, the operational teams spend wayyyyy too much time in all the worst, least productive aspects of data — or avoid data entirely.
80% of operational data time is super frustrating, low value work like this:
debates about how a metric was calculated, which version of it we’re looking at, is it fresh, and what’s even included
low value manual data work like screenshotting & downloading csvs to pivot them since the BI tool feels too technical — or else wasting a bunch of time figuring out how to do basic things on a technical BI tool — and then still screenshotting chart JPGs elsewhere to discuss or do your weekly report
doom loops of pasting a chart JPG into slack only to hear back 6 hours later “what am I looking at” because again it’s just a JPG
looking at some spike or dip in a chart, and having no idea what’s going on, who knows about it, and whether it’s an issue because the story that makes it meaningful lives elsewhere
trying to chase down that story behind the data (is this actually an issue?) that you know lives in an email/ deck that got sent out 3 months ago but no one can find it so now you need to find that one guy or gal who probably knows, unless they’ve moved on in which case you can either ignore it or spin up a whole fresh investigation — yeesh
Not exactly impact driving stuff.
And that means your company’s investment in data is upside down, your team is frustrated, and your growth is suffering. Your company didn’t hire all these fancy degreed ex-bankers for this. Nor did you hire all those brilliant data folks to spend weeks on dashboards no one looks at. And worse, after all that time and spend, your team is still missing signals that are RIGHT THERE in the chart.
So that’s where Daydream comes in.
Daydream is the tool that helps your team spend less time on data — all the crummy, non-productive pieces of it anyways — and more time running the business.
We take away the pain. And replace it with the sweet satisfaction of up-and-to-the-right.
We support the operational day-to-day workflows.
We make it easy to collaborate on data with your whole company.
Self-serve insights.
And see the story behind the data.
We let you 10x the ROI of your investment in data. And get a lot more from your team.
We are the data tool for doers.
Looker for Doers
Why less time in data is better

You read that right: we’re a data tool that wants your team spending less time in data.
What gives?
Of course: we’re big believers in the power of data. We built a whole BI tool after all. But Daydream is a different sort of BI tool. One oriented around business impact.
Here’s what we do believe:
good decisions require decision makers to be informed with good information
good analytics can help your team rapidly learn, spot opportunities, & address issues
good KPI reporting can help a company accelerate
the only reason to invest in data is to drive business impact
The problem though: today’s BI tools aren’t good for any of that. They’re built for the data teams (who buy them) to turn data into charts and graphs. Not the operational workflows that actually drive business impact.
The whole thing is broken.
Since data tools aren’t built for operational teams, the operational teams spend wayyyyy too much time in all the worst, least productive aspects of data — or avoid data entirely.
80% of operational data time is super frustrating, low value work like this:
debates about how a metric was calculated, which version of it we’re looking at, is it fresh, and what’s even included
low value manual data work like screenshotting & downloading csvs to pivot them since the BI tool feels too technical — or else wasting a bunch of time figuring out how to do basic things on a technical BI tool — and then still screenshotting chart JPGs elsewhere to discuss or do your weekly report
doom loops of pasting a chart JPG into slack only to hear back 6 hours later “what am I looking at” because again it’s just a JPG
looking at some spike or dip in a chart, and having no idea what’s going on, who knows about it, and whether it’s an issue because the story that makes it meaningful lives elsewhere
trying to chase down that story behind the data (is this actually an issue?) that you know lives in an email/ deck that got sent out 3 months ago but no one can find it so now you need to find that one guy or gal who probably knows, unless they’ve moved on in which case you can either ignore it or spin up a whole fresh investigation — yeesh
Not exactly impact driving stuff.
And that means your company’s investment in data is upside down, your team is frustrated, and your growth is suffering. Your company didn’t hire all these fancy degreed ex-bankers for this. Nor did you hire all those brilliant data folks to spend weeks on dashboards no one looks at. And worse, after all that time and spend, your team is still missing signals that are RIGHT THERE in the chart.
So that’s where Daydream comes in.
Daydream is the tool that helps your team spend less time on data — all the crummy, non-productive pieces of it anyways — and more time running the business.
We take away the pain. And replace it with the sweet satisfaction of up-and-to-the-right.
We support the operational day-to-day workflows.
We make it easy to collaborate on data with your whole company.
Self-serve insights.
And see the story behind the data.
We let you 10x the ROI of your investment in data. And get a lot more from your team.
We are the data tool for doers.