B2B Marketing Funnel Summary

The most fundamental view of your end-to-end funnel & how it's evolving. Critical to building an efficient marketing machine.

Kathleen Estreich & Emily Kramer

Founders @ MKT1

Use Playbook

Use Playbook

Build an efficient marketing machine.

Understand how your prospects convert through your funnel, across channels. Identify and double down on what's successful while addressing potential chokepoints.

Brought to you by Emily Kramer and Kathleen Estreich, the founders of MKT1 and ex-marketing leaders from Asana, Intercom, Box & Carta.

Why is this template helpful?

  1. Build your marketing engine. Gain an end-to-end understanding of how your marketing dollars and efforts convert to revenue.

  2. Optimize your efforts. Double down on channels that drive results, de-emphasize what's not working, and unblock choke points that get in your way.

  3. Bring together data sources. Connect your various marketing & sales platforms into a single, unified view.

What metrics are included?

Overall and by channel breakdowns of:

  1. Your complete visitor to closed-won funnel

  2. Conversion between stages of your funnel

  3. Changes in both absolute numbers and conversion rates

Why use Daydream?

Daydream is the BI tool built for Founders, Execs, & Ops.

For Marketing Executives and Founders:

  1. Fast set up without data work. Connect to all of your tools in a click and get best-practice metrics.

  2. Connect marketing efforts with sales, success, & product. Bring together all your teams and tools in one place.

  3. Make reporting a breeze. Generate written reports in 1 click so you can focus on executing.

  4. Support a culture of learning & executing quickly. Built for collaboration & async workflows with your full team that helps you quickly generate and act on insights.

  5. Intuitive and self-serve: Feels like a doc meets a spreadsheet.

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Kathleen Estreich & Emily Kramer

Founders @ MKT1

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