Sales & Go-To-Market Playbooks

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Sales & Go-To-Market Playbooks

Sales & Go-To-Market templates

Revenue-org wide goal setting is critical — but tricky. Here's the playbook align revenue orgs & smash company-wide goals.

Matt Volm

CEO @ RevOps Co-Op

Want to build an efficient marketing engine? Start with a firm grasp over your end-to-end funnel. 🚀

Kathleen Estreich & Emily Kramer

Founders @ MKT1

Keep your team on target and banging the gong. Pipeline Review by the legendary Jeff Ignacio.

Jeff Ignacio

Jeff Ignacio

Head of GTM Ops at RegrowAg & Founder of RevOps Impact

Pipeline coverage is essential for aligning sales & marketing and will improve both forecast accuracy & your funnel. But you can't build it with Salesforce.

Andy Mowat

Head of GTM Ops, Carta

Kevan Lee Marketing OKR Report
Kevan Lee Marketing OKR Report
Kevan Lee Marketing OKR Report

Show marketing impact with this weekly or monthly OKR report by Kevan Lee, co-founder of Bonfire and 3X VP Marketing.

Kevan Lee

Co-Founder of Bonfire & 3X VP Marketing

Being able to see your sales data over time is essential for decision-making, forecasting, identifying issues, and more. But you can't do it easily in your CRM.

Stephen Daniels

Head of GTM Ops, Cresta

Get to clean sales data in 90% less time. Essential for optimizing your GTM motion. A complete playbook with (optional) hands-on support.

Daniel Cohen-Arcamone

Ex-Chief of Staff & Biz Unit Head @ CloudKitchens

An end-to-end program to grow your sales.

Offering end-to-end RevOps services, without hiring.

Manage revenue & sales growth seamlessly with an at-a-glance scorecard that makes sure you meet or beat plan, everytime.

Sarah Riley

CFO @ dbt

Gain critical insight into how leads convert over time for both forecasting and optimization.

Kathleen Estreich & Emily Kramer

Founders @ MKT1

The most fundamental view of your end-to-end funnel & how it's evolving. Critical to building an efficient marketing machine.

Kathleen Estreich & Emily Kramer

Founders @ MKT1

Connect your CRM and get what LG Guerra refers to as the “24 metrics every CRO needs to track”

An easy-to-use revenue forecasting tool that ensures you hit your sales and pipegen targets.

Ahin Thomas

CRO & RevOps Leader

Generate lots of pipeline. Walk through rep performance to spot opportunities for knowledge sharing & coaching.

Build a profitable SaaS marketing engine by tracking marketing performance throughout the sales funnel.

Reduce churn & increase expansion by ensuring your customers get an 11/10 support experience.

You need these metrics build an efficient, top-performing sales team.

Need something else?

We'd love to help. Let us know what you need, whether it's a best-practice metric, dashboard, report, or something else.

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Need something else?

We'd love to help. Let us know what you need, whether it's a best-practice metric, dashboard, report, or something else.

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